
Research Title: Activating psychological empowerment portal for workers in diagnosis and measurement of typical actions sustainability competitive organizations “Analytical study of the performance of the Jordan River Foundation For the years 2008-2010

Researcher’s name: Prof. Dr. Zakaria M. AL-Douri, and Dr. Abdulla Naqqar

Research Summary

We have exceeded human resource those years in the study of his property only mechanism humanity , to be the discovery of the most complex aspects of a sounding his humanity in the special capacity is perceived by Gore , which paid interweaving those forces study with modern variables of interest to the community and the man and his environment , especially the concept of the sustainability of the work of organizations competitive to find a harmonious mix in the organic structure of the active beyond the concept of superior efficiency to elevate the working methods of diagnosis through the selection criteria available .in this context and the creation of a modern force in today’s markets and create new products and environments not understood or did not expect the consumer . This has been shown in the Jordan River Foundation, which penetrated the environment and competed with many similar organizations have characterized and excel and lead to the development of society and progress. Was the most important conclusions that, despite the existence of pluralism unlimited standards that can be adopted by organizations in the management of its competitive advantage and sustainability of their operations, but they are able to invest the mental capacity of workers and in harmony with the possibilities of the organization and the most important data unstable environment to enter strongly in the management excellence and sustainability.